Born in Fort Knox, Kentucky, Sherye moved with her family to Jackson, Mississippi, at the age of two and has made the state her home ever since. The crowning of Mississippi's Cheryl Prewitt as Miss America 1980 presented Sherye with a unique opportunity to serve her state as Miss Mississippi 1979.

Meet the Author, Sherye Simmons Green
Sherye's first novel, Abandon Not My Soul, was published in March 2012. The book has garnered several awards including the 2013 International Book Award for Best Religious Fiction, a 2013 National Indie Excellence Finalist Award for Religious Fiction, and a 2013 USA Best Book Finalist Award for Religious Fiction. A second printing of the book was released in 2015. Sherye’s second book, Tending the Garden of My Heart: Reflections on Cultivating a Life of Faith, is a collection of devotional essays released in November 2017 by Alpha Graphics, now out of print. Surviving Hitler, Evading Stalin: One Woman's Remarkable Escape from Nazi Germany, the WW2 memoir of Mildred Schindler Janzen, was co-written by Sherye and released in 2020.
Sherye was a member of a team of writers who produced a new book on the state of Mississippi, Proud to Call Mississippi Home, published by Image Publishing in 2006. She wrote the profiles for Miss Americas Mary Ann Mobley and Lynda Shea and authors Jill Conner Browne, Ellen Douglas, and John Grisham. A member of the American Christian Fiction Writers Association, the Mississippi Writers Guild, and the Southern Christian Writers Conference, she has had over one hundred thirty articles, poems, and short stories published. Sherye’s short story, “Setting Sail,” was included in What Would Elvis Think? Mississippi Stories, a collection of stories written by Mississippi authors and released in June 2019. Sherye is a regularly featured writer with Mississippi Christian Living and Our South magazines.
Sherye and her husband, Mark, have been married for thirty-nine years and are the parents of two grown children, a son and a daughter, who are both married. They also have five grandsons. Sherye and her husband make their home in Mississippi.

Miss Mississippi 1979
Sherye Simmons Green
A graduate of Mississippi State University, Sherye enjoyed a successful award-winning career in marketing and public relations. She returned to school in 1996 to obtain her teacher's certification and received a Master of Social Science degree from Mississippi College. Sherye has taught history on the secondary and college levels for twenty years.

Sherye's Writing Nook