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Articles Written For the Author and Pieces By the Author

"Green Publishes First Book in New Series of Inspirational Fiction"

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Sun Staff Editor, Northside Sun

"Featured Author's Profile:

Sherye Simmons Green"

May 2013

Magazine, Mississippi Christian Living

"Author Introduces Novel: Sherye Simmons Green"

Magazine, All Things Southern, Our South

Visiting with owner Mary Emrick

at Turning Pages Books in Natchez

Enjoying the Southern Christian Writers Conference with fellow author and friend Deborah Malone

Ready for my book signing at Mississippi State University

"Although born in the city, I have a country girl's heart. Verdant sprawling meadows, the majesty of gently rolling mountains draped in their woodland finery, and racing, crystal clear streams whose waters gurgle with laughter as they tumble over boulders and fallen trees all speak volumes to my soul. I 'm in need of a quiet retreat on a riverbank. You may be, too. This respite from the clamor of life is never further away than a prayer voiced in Heaven. Join me as I meet the Shepherd next to His 'streams of living water' and talk to Him awhile."


Sherye Simmons Green

From "Soul Restoration"

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