Purchase Books and E-Books Here - Abandon Not My Soul
Abbie Richardson and Keith Haliday have each traveled paths filled with searing pain and crippling loss. Abandon Not My Soul is the story of how hope and forgiveness saves them both. The hope that comes from trusting in God's loving kindness and His sovereignty in the midst of devastating circumstances. The freedom that comes through forgiveness. The realization that in the midst of life's trials and tribulations God will never abandon His children.
Abandon Not My Soul has received several awards including the 2013 International Book Award for Best Religious Fiction, a 2013 National Indie Excellence Finalist Award for Religious Fiction, and a 2013 USA Best Book Finalist Award for Religious Fiction. The book has delighted readers young and old alike. Get your copy today by clicking on a link below!
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Abandon Not My Soul: The Timothy House Chronicles: Book One
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Abandon Not My Soul: The Timothy House Chronicles: Book One
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Abandon Not My Soul: The Timothy House Chronicles: Book One
*Available in Paperback and Nook E-Book versions
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